Tuesday, September 29, 2009

1+3+9_ Take 2!

1_ By expanding on the functions of the Martin Luther King Jr. Busway in Pittsburgh, the Busway can expand its users and further reduce the impact of many of the harsh boundaries it creates.

3_ The Busway contains a wide variety of sectional conditions that each have unique characteristics in relation to the adjacent spaces. The relationship between the Busway and these adjacencies can be further connected by adapting the Busway to accept a larger variety of uses. Interventions at specific points along the Busway will help to interweave many of the communities that lie in its path.

9_ Many of the active moments that occur along the Busway happen at points where crosswalks and bridges allow users to travel, by car or by foot, over, under, or along the Busway. If we think about these passages through the Busway as pores, an increase in the Busway's porosity will result in an increase in interaction between the residents in surrounding communities. To increase porosity, more bridges and tunnels will be proposed along with destination points. Destination points will work to expand upon what the Busway is already very successful at doing, which is bringing residents to and from nonadjacent communities. In order to be successful, the destination points must be specialty-uses that will provide a service that can''t be found in every community. This proposal will focus on various sporting facilities that require specific equipment such as climbing walls, skate parks, dance studios, bowling alleys, mountain biking courses, etc. Not only would these destinations better connect the people of Pittsburgh, but they would also bring more users to the Busway, which would bolster the financial support of the Port Authority which has undergone many cuts in recent years due to a lack of funding. Seeing that the locations around the Busway are viewed each day by over 25,000 users, the space is opportune for displaying new ideas and new technologies to the entire Pittsburgh region. Rather than fight the functional uses of the Busway, it is more viable to take advantage of the diversity of users the Busway has to offer.

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